History & Ambition

History & Ambition

Our firm was founded by Christian SODIE, partner in charge of business consulting missions in the areas of finance transformation, operational support in management control and consolidation, and project management.

SODIE Consulting positions itself as an innovative player with a unique goal: « doing consulting differently », around 3 interconnected business hubs for financial departments: operational support, project management, and finance function transformation.

What sets us apart from other players is our resilience, our in-depth knowledge of the subjects, our constant adaptability, the “premium” client experience we offer, and our constant empathy: this is our signature!

All our consultants are multidisciplinary and able to provide a 360° vision to your issues in accounting, management control, consolidation, and financial transformation.

Our ambition is to build a partner relationship with our clients by supporting them over the long term, while placing the common satisfaction of successfully completing ever more complex projects at the heart of our approach.

To do this, we rely on an excellent understanding of our clients’ businesses and issues and on a team of consultants at their service, driven by excellence and respect for human values.

Social responsibility and societal action being deeply rooted in our entrepreneurial approach, the firm is committed and regularly mobilizes for solidarity and humanitarian actions, through our dedicated internal project, S Care.

We are convinced that every company has a role to play in the transformation of our society, and we proudly take our part!

We could not conclude without mentioning our leitmotif, which inspires and unites us at all times: #Surpassing Ourselves for You!

Our strengths

A recognised expertise

The team’s experience, along with our founder who is a recognized expert and reference on each of the firm’s missions. He has surrounded himself with passionate, multidisciplinary colleagues and, as needed, with renowned experts who collaborate with the firm on significant projects both in France and abroad.

A premium service

We execute our missions with a rigor and level of commitment that allows us to categorize them as ‘premium’. We go above and beyond for all our clients, regardless of their size, industry, or the specifics of the mission.

A fair rate

We offer competitive rates in line with our commitment, the quality of the proposed profiles, and the premium service we provide. There are no hidden costs; we provide a detailed breakdown of time spent and billed every month.

Independence and transparency

We carry out all our missions ourselves, ensuring their successful completion. When one of our partners is involved in a mission, you are informed!

A strong multi-disciplinarity

It allows us to provide a comprehensive response during the same mission. We can be called upon for financial transformation and conduct impact analyses, assist in selecting your tool, provide project management support, create business documentation, train users in both English and French, implement internal control procedures, and offer post-implementation operational support in accounting, management control, or consolidation, among other services.

Availability at all times

We are renowned for our ability to remain available at all times, find internal solutions, or reach out to our partners for specialized expertise we may lack. Coupled with our infectious optimism, this explains why significant organizations trust us!

A multicultural and mixed team

We proudly claim it as a fundamental asset of our firm. We advocate for diversity and inclusion, reaping the benefits for ourselves and our partners. As a result, our consultants are capable of undertaking assignments in both French and English (as well as Spanish and Arabic for some).

Our values

Our values

Diversity & Meritocracy

Recruit and promote employees regardless of their gender, religion, color, background, or disability, because only their skills and attitude matter to us.

Commitment & Efficiency

Working as a consultant requires essential qualities of dedication and efficiency to successfully complete our clients’ projects, regardless of the challenges and obstacles encountered during our engagements.

Ethics & Transparency

Establishing a relationship of trust with our clients and consultants is an integral part of our business model, guiding our interactions, managing our projects, and delivering our work on a daily basis.

Mutual support & Sharing

Foster a sense of collaboration by supporting our consultants in the execution of their missions and the development of their careers through sharing our experiences. Additionally, it involves raising awareness among our employees about their social responsibilities by encouraging them to participate in charitable activities.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

